Monday, November 23, 2009


The other day I noticed that in the discussion for Fay Hokulani that fellow member Quantum Force asked a question that I have been personally asking myself for a few months now. How come Dichen Lachman hasn't been featured here on Asian Sirens? Well now she has.

For a while I thought that Dichen was already featured here, but searching through the archives turned up nothing on her, therefore I have the pleasure of putting this article together. Dichen is Tibetan and Australian and was born on February 22 just like myself. I'm just a year older than she is. I found out about her a few months ago when I watched the season premiere of Dollhouse on Fox, and was half of the reason why I continued to watch the show throughout this season. I'm also thrilled to hear that the show has been renewed by Fox for a second season which means that I get to check out more of Dichen.

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